At we take music, making music, and the equipment used to make music, seriously. We are a small, diverse team of musicians, composers, technicians, and users of a deep, wide array of music-making technology. We share our joy of making music and our love of the gear needed and wanted, as long-time giggers and private, at-home players. Above all, we share our enjoyment of and excitement for all things music gear with our readers.
Gear Talk was started as a resource for readers looking for insight and information, the facts, some history, experience, and maybe just a little bit of opinion, about a large variety of music-making hardware, from vintage classics to today’s cutting-edge digital gadgetry. We strive to provide a filler- and fluff-free diet of high factual and experienced based caloric content, while not losing sight of the fundamental reason we all so adore the music and the gear, the fun of it all. If nothing else, the stuff we use to do this stuff should make us happy, and we would like to share that happiness with our readers.
From guitar and bass, amplifiers and effects, and the accessories to go with them, to the amazing world of gear available to today’s percussionists, and a myriad assortment of bits and baubles between, we got this. Whether you seek a guide to the basics, to satisfy historical curiosity, tips and tricks from the pros on getting the most out of your instrument, or a real-world use-based review, we want to be a part of the knowledge journey that our readers are traveling.
Let us know how we are doing. Reader satisfaction is our goal, our top priority. The next best thing after our gear is talking about our gear, and we’d like to have contented, informed listeners. The best articles are the ones that help our readers, and you are the best at letting us know how best we can do that.
Alex Chu
Founder/Head of Content
What if I told you that I’m deaf, rock hearing aids in both ears, and I play guitar? Would you believe me?
Hi there, I’m Alex. When I was just five years old, I was diagnosed with severe hearing loss in both ears. Fast forward to my teenage years, I decided to shake up the status quo because I wanted to play electric guitar. I couldn’t afford private guitar lessons, and my high school music teacher said “nope” to the idea of a deaf Slash in the making.
I was heartbroken, sure, but that didn’t stop me from hitting the local music store and getting a few how-to books to teach myself guitar. You bet it was a challenge — from correctly tuning the guitar to experimenting with the amp settings to get that Guns ‘N Roses tone I was seeking. And the volume? Let’s just say I got more than a few loud noise complaints.
Over the years, I’ve been fortunate enough to try many different acoustic and electric guitars, including effects pedals and amplifiers, and I’ve met some amazing musicians along the way.
Today, I manage some of the largest online music communities on the web. I created so that I can share my passion for guitars and music gear, what’s new and trending in the music world, and interview talented musicians I admire.

My early vintage guitar collection. L-R: 1962 Gibson SG, 1952 Gibson Les Paul, 1968 Fender Telecaster, and 1959 Gibson ES-225TD (bottom)
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